Sunday, July 28, 2013

I Can See

Almost. Well I've had a productive day at least.

After an hour and a half Carefully trying not to strip screws or lose any parts, I finally pulled this beautiful thing out of my brothers 2009 Macbook:

It's a 13.3 inch, LED backlit piece of awesome. it also has a near 16:9 aspect ratio, which I like very much. And, after a bit of shopping, I decided that I will be running it off of this controller board.

This project now has a real name as well. From this point forward, it is

*dramatic pause*

Project Abraham.

I think I have decided on the battery stuff I'm going to be using, and as you read this I am working on the proper, final wiring diagram, the one that includes all the stuff about the things.

My next step is to finally order and test out a WKF. Wish me luck!!

Monday, July 15, 2013


I just signed up to become a Leap Motion Developer! I'm picking simple things to start out with, soon I'll be playing the most realistic game of Minecraft ever.

If you dont know what leap is, check for a really cool demo.

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Wii are Having Some Trouble

Amazingly enough--or not, based on Nintendo's previous record--my Nintendo Wii has



after seven years of hard work

hours gaming, being left on, tantrums and power outs

had an issue.

It's okay girl, I'll have you all better soon.

Symptoms: Patient arrived saying owners were attempting to give her a gamecube game, which she had trouble accepting. After several attempts to insert the disk, they tried inserting it a little off center, at which point the disk was not returned, but also not recognized. Owners went to watch pokemon movie.  Suggest immediate diagnostic surgery.

With minimal help from the internet, I got the top off.

If you look closely, you can see the orange bit is my Conflict: Desert Storm disk. A little more poking around and I had the disk drive free.

Soon after I had gotten the game out. Blowing off some dust, I couldn't determine what was causing the jam. So, I reassembled the important parts, and wired it up for a test.

Now for the fun part: I put a wii game in, gave it a little nudge like I always do. That worked fine. Eject. Next, instead of putting Conflict back in, I stuck it in just enough to get things moving, and noticed that the main roller looked like it was going up and down. Put the game in, jam. With a Sienfeld moment in mind, I nudged the game out and determined my issue: a worn down disk drive roller, the gout of the gaming life. Now I make a call to my brother (co-owns the console) to find out if he just wants a replacement drive or a J-tag type addition. He decided on a replacement drive, and I'm going to make that order so we can keep our trusty Wii.

A long post for a simple problem, but I'm trying to make the blag look....established so that people are more likely to take interest.

Until next time. -J

Tuesday, July 9, 2013


I give you:

Inter-Continental Breakfast
(shown here as a midnight snack)

Fry bacon, turkey or pork. If pork, drain some of the grease from the pan before continuing. Next throw some fully cooked pasta noodles into the remaining bacon grease, over medium-high heat. Pour some Roasted Garlic and Herb Prego or marinara of choice (about 1.5 times the normal amount you would use for that serving of pasta) over the noodles. Immediately crack two eggs over as well. Stir thoroughly until egg is fully cooked. 
Serve with a cherry-based juice.

This is frankensnack that was created due to the fact that no one had gone shopping in about 2 weeks.  Despite this, it turned out to be very good, having a mild flavor  where you first get the egg and then the spice of the marinara. All in all one of my better experiments.

Monday, July 8, 2013

A Different Project

So, a friend of mine wants me to help him out with a project he's working on. So far we think it'll be comic, and if i get my way it'll go full animated at one point.

Wish me luck!

Saturday, July 6, 2013


Also, excuse the messiness of the blog, still working on all the graphic design stuff.

Friday, July 5, 2013

The Very Second Post

Enter the GCScreen. (title pending)

A first attempt for many things: a console mod, portablizing something, making an original case, and others. But that's not why you're reading.


WiiKey Fusion (replaces disk drive with SD card)
Gamecube revision C motherboard
4 Wavebird controller receivers (optional)
Cellular phone speakers
10-inch (I hope?) LCD screen
Lithium-ion batteries
Some kind of custom-made case


Will play all Nintendo console games up to Gamecube
Optional AV out to play on larger screen/speakers
Minimum 1 hour battery life, rechargeable
Built-in Wavebird connectivity
1 custom-made Wavebird controller

That's about all I can confirm right now. I have already begun prepwork on my mobo and working on pinouts, and am now shopping around for an LCD and a pair of portable speakers I can cannibalize. More updates will come as things develop.

The Very First Post

Hello, and welcome to Contents Explosive, a blag I have created in order to document various ideas and concepts, as well as actual physical projects that I work on. Hopefully you'll be seeing a lot of starting content, as I have quite a bit built up already that I will be uploading. 

It is worth noting that this site has a sister blag, "Lights, Camera, Duct tape", that will be used for more technical details of the same content, where applicable.